‘Lotus’ – experiments at Science Centre TU Delft

Photo and video documentation of experiments conducted during the Maker Faire Delft at TU Delft’s Science Centre on May 13 and 14 as part of the Matching Program Crossing Parallels. Utilizing the Lotus prototype developed during a residency in Cyprus, the goal was to present two contrasting devices—one approachable and calm, the other ‘nervous’ and a heavy responsive to visitor presence. Measurement involved visitor observation, video recording, note-taking, and sensor data collection. 

The experimental setup included a program combining light, movement, and sound using a Neopixel ring, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, and an initially planned FC-04 sensor.      

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MATERIALS LOTUS_ Resin 3D printed base with perspex ‘arms’. Servo motor, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, Neo Pixel Ring, Raspberry Pi. On a wooden and plexiglass pedestal.

The experiments are part of research-project ‘Impulses’, funded by CBK Rotterdam.  

The Matching Program can be seen as the light version of the Residency Program. The program has provided me with a workspace and access to the Science Centre’s array of sensors and expertise, enhancing my ability to develop practical experiments and prototypes.