Artist-in-Residence at CYENS.
I spent October and November 2022 at CYENS – Center of Excellence in Nicosia, Cyprus, aiming to involve the public even more intensively in my installations.
During the Brave New Humanity-themed WIP Festival, I exhibited the prototypes ‘Lotus’ and ‘Meander.’ These sculptures utilized proximity sensors to detect movement and interact with visitors.
Concluding the residency, I presented an Artist Talk and Showcase titled ‘On the Process of Making’ and introduced ‘The Garden’ at the festival’s closing event. ‘The Garden’ served as a spatial experiment with the ‘Lotus’ prototype, inviting visitors to explore and interact with individual specimens.
PROTOTYPE LOTUS_ Resin 3D printed base with perspex ‘arms’. Servo motor, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, Arduino Uno
PROTOTYPE MEANDER, PAPER EXPERIMENTS_ Wooden encasing with lasercutted paper patterns created with Grasshopper in Rhinoceros. NEMA17 stepper motor, TB6600 Stappen driver, HCSR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, Arduino Uno